Scientific Research

The importance of engagement

Engagement is one of the major drivers of the students’ learning experience, a fundamental aspect that is often left forgotten, this is why we always put the students’ well-being and their motivation/engagement at the centre of our product vision. Our Framework of Engagement© (so-called Pillars of Motivation) lays its foundations on the factors of intrinsic motivation. To date, we are able to accurately measure these factors by using an innovative evaluation assessment based on the Psychological Hypothetical Projective Questions© which does not use the traditional rating scales (eg. from 1 to

10 scales or the Likert scale “Strongly agree” vs “Strongly disagree”) as it is hard for students to relate to a number when assessing their engagement and, as a result, the outcomes should be considered unreliable. Instead, we give 3 hypothetical answers into which students can project and recognize themselves. We decided to start from the measurement of engagement to then expand the product towards our vision of “empowering education through continuous real-time feedback loops”.

What our users say about us

Psychologists have identified two distinct forms of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Source: University of Notre Dame

Intrinsic motivation

It refers to an inherent interest in pursuing a topic (“learning for learning’s sake”). These individuals find a subject enjoyable and they naturally desire to learn mastery of it.

Extrinsic motivation

It refers to a desire to pursue a subject for reasons outside of the individual, such as rewards, grades, parental or instructor approval, etc. These individuals are motivated to learn a subject not because they want to learn it, but because learning the material will get them good grades, parental praise, or because jobs in that field pay well; all of which are external rewards.

Pillars of motivation

Evaluate motivation using a science-backed approach

We measure the key pillars involved in the process of motivation and progress-enhancing
intellectual stimulation, all backed by science.

Learning Progress

Do the students perceive their learning path as effective?

The “Learning progress” pillar refers to the influence that an effective learning process can have on students’ personal motivation. In particular, individuals’ awareness to be growing and improving throughout the learning experience fulfils the human need of experiencing a sense of competence; hence, it has a positive influence on satisfaction and, consequently, on individual motivation.

Ryan, R., & Deci, E. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being

Interest in the Material

Are the students interested in the core topics covered by the course?

The “Interest” pillar takes into account two main tendencies that individuals may have towards the interest in material; it is indeed possible to find individuals with a general interest attitude towards things (individual interest), or people who show an interest in a specific topic in particular (situational interest).

Schiefele, U. (2009). Situational and individual interest. In K. R. Wenzel & A. Wigfield (Eds.), Educational psychology handbook series


Do the students feel confident about the tasks they have been assigned?

The “Self-Confidence” pillar refers to how the students report higher levels of engagement when they feel up to the task at hand, i.e. when it is not overly complicated. Furthermore, with a significant degree of self-confidence, the individual believes that a type of reward (whether intrinsic or extrinsic) can derive from the performance of the task, which is therefore worth completing.

Wigfield, A., & Eccles, J. (2000). Expectancy–Value Theory of Achievement Motivation

Social Interactions

Have the students created constructive relationships within the course?

The “Social interactions” pillar refers to the relationships that are built within a course. From a sociological perspective, positive interactions between peers potentially improve students’ academic achievement, career choices, or labour market outcomes later in life.

Telhaj, S., 2018. Do social interactions in the classroom improve academic attainment?. IZA World of Labor

Clarity of Goals

Is it clear how the course is helping the students achieve their personal and professional goals?

The “Goal” pillar refers to the extent to which the course is providing the skills that students expect concerning their personal or professional goals. Perceiving a clear correlation between the content of the course and the students’ objectives, whether personal or professional, is a determining factor for individual motivation. In other words, it represents the clarity of the “why” a subject should be learnt.

Gollwitzer, P., & Moskowitz, G. (1996). Goal Effects on Action and Cognition

Sense of Control

Do the students feel capable to overcome any problems that may arise during the course?

The “Sense of Control” pillar represents the student’s level of control, meant as the ability to manage one’s own learning process independently. In particular, it refers to the student’s ability to independently solve problematic situations s/he may encounter during the learning experience (e.g. gaps in their skills, difficult provided material, trainer’s unavailability for clarification).

Zimmerman, B. (1990). Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview


Do the students perceive a right balance between their skills and the difficulty of the course?

The “Flow” pillar refers to a particular emotional state where the student finds him/herself completely engaged to the task and fully immersed in the moment; the experience of deep involvement and devotion to specific activities occurs when the student perceives a perfect balance between the level of challenge and his/her own capabilities, crucial to overcome potential obstacles.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. (1990). Flow: the psychology of optimal experience

Exposure to New Concepts

Are the students exposed to new concepts?

The “Exposure” pillar refers to the level up to which the individual perceives that the content of the course is enriching him/her, in terms of acquiring new skills and abilities. The learning of new concepts highlights any gaps in the student’s portfolio of competences and it can hence stimulate individual curiosity and motivation.

Sakaki, M., Yagi, A., & Murayama, K. (2018). Curiosity in old age: A possible key to achieving adaptive aging

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation

Are the students driven by internal or external factors?

The “Motivation” pillar is aimed to analyse a student’s orientation in terms of extrinsic or intrinsic motivation toward learning. Being extrinsically or intrinsically motivated can make a big difference in the overall student’s approach and can affect dramatically his/her effort and final results.

Deci, E. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation


Can the students have open conversations with the professor?

The “Trust” pillar indicates the degree of trust that the student places in the professor’s figure as an educational leader. The professor’s ability to inspire, guide, and educate the students contributes to establishing a relationship of deep mutual trust.

Ryan, R., & Deci, E. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being


Traccia in tempo reale l’esperienza di apprendimento dei partecipanti.

Traccia in tempo reale l’esperienza di apprendimento dei partecipanti.


Semplifica la registrazione ai corsi attraverso una pagina creata su misura per te, con la possibilità di implementare i pagamenti automatici.

Semplifica la registrazione ai corsi attraverso una pagina creata su misura per te, con la possibilità di implementare i pagamenti automatici.

Content Library

Upload and manage all your course content, including documents, videos, and presentations
Upload and manage all your course content, including documents, videos, and presentations


Receive real-time updates dashboard on the learning experience of your trainees

Receive real-time updated dashboard on the learning experience of your trainees

Registration & Payment

Simplify registration through a customized registration page for your trainees to register and pay or import them into the system.

Simplify registration through a customized registration page for your trainees to register and pay or import them into the system.


Create and award automated certificates to learners who have completed courses.
Create and award automated certificates to learners who have completed courses.


Schedule automated email reminders and invitations to your clients and trainees, allowing you to focus less on sending emails and more on your clients’ needs.

You can schedule automated email invitations and reminders to your clients and trainees.

Schedule automated email reminders and invitations to your clients and trainees, allowing you to focus less on sending emails and more on your clients’ needs.

You can schedule automated email invitations and reminders to your clients and trainees.

Data Management + CRM

Consolidate course and client data into one secure system
Consolidate course and client data into one secure system

Course Management

Create and organize all necessary course information and training interactions
Create and organize all necessary course information and training interactions


Build surveys by using the research-based templates or custom survey tool and centralize all your feedback
Build surveys by using the research-based templates or custom survey tool and centralize all your feedback

Multi-User Access

Give access to your organization, trainers, trainees, and relevant third parties.
Give access to your organization, trainers, trainees, and relevant third parties.


Costruisci i tuoi questionari utilizzando template scientificamente validati o questionari custom per ogni tipo di esigenza.
Costruisci i tuoi questionari utilizzando template scientificamente validati o questionari custom per ogni tipo di esigenza.


Concedi alla tua organizzazione, trainer, partecipanti e terze parti di ottenere diversi livelli di accesso alla piattaforma.

Concedi alla tua organizzazione, trainer, partecipanti e terze parti di ottenere diversi livelli di accesso alla piattaforma.


Manda automaticamente remainder periodici ai tuoi clienti e trainer, così da poter risparmiare tempo e risorse.

Manda automaticamente remainder periodici ai tuoi clienti e trainer, così da poter risparmiare tempo e risorse.


Crea e premia i tuoi clienti e partecipanti con degli attestati di partecipazione.

Crea e premia i tuoi clienti e partecipanti con degli attestati di partecipazione.


Organizza i dati dei corsi e clienti all’interno di un unico posto sicuro.

Organizza i dati dei corsi e clienti all’interno di un unico posto sicuro.


Crea ed organizza tutte le informazioni necessarie per migliorare le relazioni.

Crea ed organizza tutte le informazioni necessarie per migliorare le relazioni.


Carica e gestisci tutti i contenuti relativi ai corsi, documenti, video e presentazioni

Carica e gestisci tutti i contenuti relativi ai corsi, documenti, video e presentazioni